Winnie Harlow's Afterparty Beauty Look — Just in Time for Fashion Week | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Winnie Harlow's Afterparty Beauty Look — Just in Time for Fashion Week | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Winnie Harlow's Afterparty Beauty Look — Just in Time for Fashion Week | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

hey guys it's Whitney Harlow I'm in New York for Fashion Week I'm gonna show you my skin care as well as a New York Fashion Week after-party meet okay so the first step I'm going to do is pin my hair back because there's blades very expensive I don't want to get her messed up before I head out so I'm just gonna pin her back okay so now I'm going to go in with my cleanser I tend to use my Clarisonic like every other day I don't want to over exfoliate my skin so now I'm gonna go in with a mask and I like to do this mask like twice a month more so because I'm lazy than anything but I'm going to mix together Nuka honey acid clay and you guessed it appl

e cider vinegar with mother in it I kind of eyeball it whenever I I mix this mask my goal is to create a paste like consistency like this so it doesn't drip everywhere because not smart I really feel like my skin breaks out the most around fashion week and that's because of course you know we have to create looks so you got a you know two runway and all that you're in isn't made for makeup but prep the skin and prepare for war pretty much is what I like to think of it as it takes about 20 minutes to dry so let's wait yes John next step is toner now I'm going to go in with my moisturizer I use oh the mouth of n-woo French brand and I found this when I was in Paris at the drugstore as you can see I spent a lot of time the drugstore all over the world boots in London is my fave and then I go on top with this Nivea q10 plus anti-wrinkle night cream I use it day and n

ight we're we're out but I have enough for today and I feel like I really like using a night cream of the day because I don't use like an eye cream or anything like that so it's good to smell like my grandmother my makeup artist and Vincent put me onto these they make your eyes really white but they don't burn like a lot of eye drops tend to do so I just lean to the side sometimes to what I like to do is use Visine eye drops on my skin on the white parts of my skin to take the redness out I'm gonna drop it on my skin and just Pat it on I have really bad allergies so I always have icing on the anyway and I figured you know what if it whitens my eyes wouldn't it wh

iten my skin because it's the you know the blood vessels and stuff that I'm trying to was it constraints yes I'm trying to constrict so it should work in my skin Azul and I tried it and I so tada then I go in with my brows so I really like bushy brows I'm like obsessed with anyone who was really thankful bushy brows I wish mine will fuller we don't have to wish for it we can draw them in I got my eyebrows done the first time ever when I was 13 little shoelace brows that's okay you live and you learn and thankfully my eyebrows grew back I just fill in all the little sparse areas first I know they look super bushy right now and I said I'm gonna do a B this looks like very natural but that's what concealer comes in the concealer is the cure a lot of people don't notice that I have dark circles because of my vitiligo everyone focuses on that but I do have dark

 circles and if I didn't have it alive on my eyes you can tell all here we need to see a dark I get that my mom and my dad Thank You PJ so I am going to take this Becca concealer I love it because it's really thick and it's very very like pigmented so let's talk about something guys okay I know you guys see sometimes I cover the real I go on my eyelids my vitiligo is pretty symmetrical but on my eyes you can see it's not exact so if I was to do like I'm doing today a red eye and I put it right here and I put it right here it's not going to be even this is going to be a fire-engine red and this is going to be like a burgundy so in order to create a nice eye look like everyone else I create a canvas with concealer a big deal guys you don't have to make a big mess out of it I am go

ing to cover my eyelids I feel like everyone has like a really high expectation for foundations makeup brands I feel like makeup brands today are doing a really good job but I don't think it's like super possible to put one shade on your face and just be like wallah it's perfect I mix foundations I mix concealers as long as people are doing a nice large range don't be too upset if you get you know your favorite brand and they don't have your exact color okay don't get scared I know I look crazy right now but it's gonna get worse before it gets better I feel like a lot of people ask me like do you even wear foundation like do you even wear makeup and I'm like this beep face a lot of makeup so now we have a damp sponge I'm going to go on top with my magic weapon this ma

c prolongwear paint-pot and it's kind of like a concealer but not I feel like this is like professional theater makeup type consistency so I'm gonna take a brush that looks kind of like a cat's paw I'm gonna go ahead and tap that on top I use this because I really want the makeup to stay ok guys I'm really excited for this part right here we're going in with the eye shadow and today I'll be using my palette with kim k k WT x aleni i'm gonna go into this KKW x 1 e palette and i'm going to take this so this Kim collaboration basically you came about from me being at Fashion Week and like I didn't get a show that I really wanted to walk my agent didn't want me like moping around in the room so she told me to like get up get ready we're going to eat so I got up and I went to the bathroom and I started my makeup I had this amazing idea and I brought it to Kim and she was so excited that she was like you know what let's hold off on that idea because it's gonna take rea

lly long with production everything I'm so excited to work with you I just want to like work on something right now that like we can get out this year and I was like oh amazing perfect I like that let's do that so she was like cool that's let's figure out what you want to create what you want to do and I was like I really want to do a pallet so Kim and I collaborated I think really well on this pallet next I'm gonna go in with a beauty this orange pallet and I'm gonna go in to this orange right here actually you know I'm gonna go into that orange and I'm gonna mix it with that orange deepen it up a bit I learned how to do my makeup from YouTube so I soup or I had money to like pay for makeup I used to go into my mom's room and snatch all her makeup up bring it int

o my room and just like have fun now I'm gonna go in with this beautiful red color from I got it almost like Kim's palliate from my neck you saw it I can't believe it I'm gonna go in with like a more flat ish brush I'm gonna pack this onto my lid oh yes feel like this is what everybody came for really I get a lot of questions about how I do my foundation and how many foundation colors I use and so many different questions about my skin let me tell you I use no foundation on my petal I go I just don't feel like it needs it I don't get like dark marks or anything like th

at on my little eye go so it's fine what I do for foundation is mix these two to make and then I'm going to take this darker one and put it on my forehead basically I don't really contour I kind of like reversed contour I learned that term from Jackie Ayanna on YouTube but I was always doing it I just didn't know it had a name I don't cover the white under my eye go right around it I'm gonna write up closer but I go right around it because that has nothing to do with like how the makeups gonna show up so I just leave that there just take a little bit extra work because I have to like really get around it I think people misunderstand what I stand for and it's not that you have to be you know positive all the time and you have to be happy all the time and all this I stand for doing what makes you feel comfortable and not focusing on what other people think if you know I meet a gir

l who has an Alaia go and she says you know she's not secure enough to go outside without her bill I go what makes her happy is covering it and one day maybe she will be you know confident enough to do so but in the moment you have to live where your eye and you can grow and you can become more confident so what I'm doing now is I am going to take that same mac paint pot and way to conceal this brown line that I have under my eye because I want to make that like an orange color to smoke out and again you can't see it if right here is dark so I'm going to take those oranges again why should I start with a light one everyone also wants to know how I got started

 in the modeling industry basically I was from Toronto I'm Jamaican Canadian I was growing a social media presence and people just seemed to love when I would do all these little modeling things so I felt like okay cool maybe I could model and I tried to find an agency in Toronto and no one wanted to sign me because they all said like you're so beautiful your jaw straight your jaw bones and your bone structure is so beautiful but we just don't know where to place you and we don't know how to market you and what you would book I continued on social media and just posted stuff and Tyra Banks saw me on Instagram and reached out to do America's Next Top Model which was quite a learning experience and I came back home and I didn't really want a model anymore so I thought I would go to school for journalism which is what I originally wanted to do wh

en I got an email from Nick Knight which was crazy because America's Next Top Model hadn't even aired yet so I was like how did he even find me like he really found me the same way tired found me online he emailed me personally and asked me to fly to London I shot with Nick and he was like so impressed by how my body moved and asked me if I had dads before and I told him I used to take ballet as a child but I'm also Jamaican so you know yes like yeah walk yeah so I take care of my first and I go in with custard which is way too light but I just use a little bit just simple of the famous contoured face because I don't want to her I do also like to put a little bit of this caramel right here because I also if I didn't have it and I go around my mouth would be much darker and the rest of my face is you can see right here's a little bit darker so I'm just gonna even that out al

right now we think I don't really bake for very long because I don't want like that white cast look which is also why I try to do my eyeshadow first so I can really just like put it on and take it off and this is the only time I really put makeup on the light skin I bake and I do that because I don't want around my mouth to be super shiny and the rest of my face thing bad so Oh what do you guys think about this look is that the look you don't wear my hair often because I don't like puttin my hair through unnecessary damage because we have to style our hair all the time being models it's good for you to you know be able to stand your ground and say listen I'm so here for the vision that you have and I want to create that but how can we go about it without damaging my hair or damaging my skin or whatever the case is you have to protect yourself no matter what job you'

re in so with lashes I feel like everyone's so scared to use them to the mind they're annoying I'll just spray my face this is neck takes place now I'm going to warm up my skin with this mineralized skinfinish I also like to warm up with this funky Beauty caramel cutie I'm gonna go on top of that I wanted to be chocolate girl friendly so I made this beautiful golden bronze II highlight and there's like era destined almost pink and then I'm gonna go in with that top shade I'm gonna highlight my nose so for my signature lip either use chestnut by Mac or I use Foxy Brown by Charlotte Tilbury then I take this silent hill very super pigmented gloss and I used this I haven

't used this or lipstick but I use this to kind of blend the color of the liner into my lip well kind of creating this ingredients my beautiful topper aura I'm going to take her and apply the loads on top for a beautiful shine last but not least mascara when it comes to putting mascara on your top lash and you have lashes on it's more important to get them on your actual lashes so you can blend them in with your falsies I like mine to be really long and like separated all right guys well I'm ready to hit the town so thank you for watching bye

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Labels: beauty, how to, winnie harlow beauty secret, winnie harlow beauty secrets, winnie harlow interview, winnie harlow secrets, winnie harlow vogue, winnie harlow vogue interview

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