Vitiligo Treatment In USA - Ayurheatlhline (Virtiligo Specialty Clinic)

Thank you for visiting my blog, which previously discussed about 5 Things to Know Vitiligo Research and Treatments in 2018 "today" I will share information about Vitiligo Treatment In USA. Everyone needs a lot of information there is no exception info about Vitiligo Treatment In USA, for more details please you can read this article to completion.

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Vitiligo Treatment In USA

Vitiligo Treatment In USA
Vitiligo Treatment In USA

Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo is a skin disorder affecting about 100 million persons worldwide. It is characterized by white patches of skin on different areas of the body, caused by a destruction of the melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells. Current medical treatment for vitiligo includes medications and surgery. Unfortunately, all treatments are notoriously ineffective, associated with a high risk of side effects and are often unaffordable for most people.

Medical Treatments

Medical treatments include topical steroid therapy, psoralen photochemotherapy, and depigmentation therapy.

In topical steroid therapy, you are required to use steroid creams on the white patches of the skin, and this is supposed to help the skin re-pigment itself. Doctors recommend that you use these creams at least for 3 months before any improvement can be expected to be seen. However, these creams are associated with a number of side effects and are not generally recommended for children or for patches of white skin occurring on the face, armpits or genital region.

In psoralen photochemotherapy, ultraviolet light is used to re-pigment the white patches, in conjunction with psoralen cream or oral medications. This is extremely time-consuming and you will need to undergo bi- or tr-weekly sessions at a specialized clinic for several weeks or months. This type of treatment is associated with a number of severe side effects, including an increased risk of skin cancer, severe sunburn, blistering of the skin, and eye damage.
If your vitiligo is extensive, you may opt to have the rest of your skin de-pigmented, so that it matches the colour of the vitiligo-affected parts. De-pigmentation involves the use of chemicals that basically bleach the skin. Side-effects include inflammation, itchy and dry skin, and extreme sensitivity to sunlight.

Surgical Therapies

If medical therapy proves ineffective (as it often does), surgical therapies may be opted for. Unfortunately, these are not generally paid for by insurance carriers, hence making them unaffordable to most patients.

A common surgical therapy for vitiligo is the autologous skin graft, wherein a doctor takes some skin from an unaffected area (e.g. the buttocks) and attaches it to a de-pigmented area (e.g. on the arms). This operation suffers from complications such as infection, scarring, and cobblestone appearance of the skin.

Another type of surgical therapy is special tattooing. Effectively, the doctor will try to find a dye that matches the natural color of the person's skin, and apply this dye into the skin. Obviously, it is hard to find a dye that matches the natural color perfectly. In addition, whilst normal skin changes in color according to different levels of sun exposure, tattooed skin won't.

A Better, Safer Option

Although very few doctors will know or tell you about it (there is too much money involved in conventional treatment methods), you can actually cure yourself of vitiligo at home using only herbal and vitamin supplements, combined with some dietary and lifestyle changes. Indeed in the past, a number of doctors and scientists had reported such successes in medical journals, but this research is now kept hidden by the pharmaceutical industry.

For the first time ever, this research has been dug up and used to compile a comprehensive step-by-step guide on exactly what you need to do to naturally and safely cure yourself of vitiligo in just a few weeks - without any medications or surgical interventions. For more information, visit Michael Dawson's "Natural Vitiligo Treatment System™", CLICK HERE where he explains exactly why and how this system works.

Vitiligo Treatment In USA

The word Vitiligo defines itself as it is a disease with white skin. Etiologically Vitiligo and Leucoderma are different from each other as the former starts due to autoimmunity only and the latter starts with a cut, burn or after a skin allergy.
There are about 1% of population affected by Vitiligo in countries like USA. 
Autoimmunity is considered as the most acceptable cause of vitiligo. The condition of autoimmunity causes dormancy of melanocytes which stops pigment production which results into emergence of a white spot. The condition of autoimmunity is directly related to food habits and hygiene.
Medical – The medical treatment includes topical and oral steroids to prevent further spread of a vitiligo spot for the time being. Some immunomodulators are also used for it. In vitiligo the medical treatment is of less help and it can complicate vitiligo.

UV Light - Ultraviolet light therapy is used to promote pigmentation over a white spot in which patient is exposed to UV light for a certain duration daily. This kind of treatment is also temporary as it acts by force on melanocyte cells to promote pigmentation.

Herbal treatment - Vitiligo treatment in USA is done now a days with research based herbal medicines. This kind of treatment includes herbs for topical application as well as to take orally. The herbs given in vitiligo treatment work to restore pigmentation by gently acting on melanocyte cells for proper pigment production. Herbs also work to rectify the disturbed immunity system of the body. In a way it acts on the root cause of vitiligo and acclaimed to be most successful and safe treatment option in treating vitiligo.

Ayurhealthline – A Global Herbal Vitiligo Speciality clinic of its kind, which has pioneered treating vitiligo and leucoderma since past 11 years. It has delivered true results and acclaimed name in treating vitiligo patients with no relapse across world. It focuses on ancient Ayurvedic techniques to make its Anti vitiligo formulation worth for treatment of vitiligo and leucoderma.

Sufferers from all over the world get treated from Ayurhealthline for their vitiligo problem regularly. The efficacy of herbs works fast on newer vitiligo cases. Old cases of vitiligo also get treated fast with the use of herbal Pigment catalizer capsules supplied with the Anti Vitiligo kit treatment in USA.

Some diet restriction should be followed for faster healing of a white spot. It also can help in faster spreading control.

Based on authentic Ayurveda we have succesfully treated and treating many Americans, Indian Americans and lots of vitiligo sufferers from United States. Our repeat orders are almost 90% based on our succes results. We have also succesfully treated some tough cases of vitiligo of lips and palms.

Vitiligo Treatment USA page is completely devoted for our old and willing patients from USA.

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