Myths and Facts About Vitiligo Disease

Myths and Facts About Vitiligo Disease

Myths and Facts About Vitiligo Disease
By Mohd Salman

Vitiligo is a skin condition in which pale white patches develop on the skin. It's caused by the lack of a pigment in the skin called melanin.
The disease can affect any area of your skin, but most commonly It impacts your face, neck and hands, and in various skin folds.
The pale areas of skin are more susceptible to sunburn, therefore, one needs to take care when in the sun and either use a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) or cover the areas that are exposed to the sun.
These areas of the skin are most commonly affected by vitiligo symptoms:

  • the skin around your mouth and eyes

  • fingers

  • armpits

  • wrists

  • groin

  • genitals
Common myths about Vitiligo
Common myths about the vitiligo disease are:

  • Only dark-skinned people get vitiligo

  • People who are impaired with other physical and mental disabilities often get vitiligo

  • It is easy to predict who will have vitiligo and how intense the condition

  • Vitiligo is related to other skin diseases such as skin cancer, etc

  • People with vitiligo are born like this and they have patchy uneven skin because they have mixed-race parents

  • Vitiligo worsens by eating certain types of foods

  • Vitiligo can be cured by using certain creams and oils into the skin or taking certain supplements

  • Vitiligo is contagious

  • Vitiligo only affects skin that remains exposed such as faces and hands
Facts about Vitiligo
On the contrary, the facts about vitiligo disease are:

  • Vitiligo is neither contagious nor infectious. You cannot get it from someone else.

  • Unfortunately, we do not have a way to cure vitiligo. There isn't even a convenient, easy treatment that slows down the disease process. However, there are therapies that you can try such as UV light therapy, surgery such as use of grafts, steroids, and medications.

  • Vitiligo is not genetic in nature. It is not related to ethnicity of your parents.

  • Vitiligo affects people of all races. However, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.

  • Vitiligo is not related to other skin conditions such as skin cancer, leprosy etc.

  • White patches caused by vitiligo generally occur in areas that are exposed to sun, such as your hands, feet, face, and lips etc. However, the disease can affect other areas too such as armpits, groins, eyes, genitals and rectal locations etc.

  • Vitiligo is not caused by foods or your lifestyle

  • Most people with vitiligo are normal and the disease has not relation with other disabilities. The disease, however, may be more common in people who have other autoimmune disorders such as hypothyroidism, Alopecia areata, Adrenocortical insufficiency, etc.

  • There is no way to predict the disease. There is no way to tell how much or which portion of your skin will be affected by it. Vitiligo is usually progressive, and white or discolored patches may spread to other areas of the body and become more extensive over time.
If you have not any symptoms that resemble typical vitiligo signs, you should contact a dermatologist. Dermatologists are specialists and trained in skin diseases.
Mohd Salman, MBBS, is a medical science professional and is associated with DiseaseFix as a content guide and researcher. DiseaseFix develops health information modules for patients and provides a unique platform to allow access of reliable information of a variety of types for diseases.

What Is Vitiligo? - Vitiligo Information

What Is Vitiligo? - Vitiligo Information

What Is Vitiligo? - Vitiligo Information
By Gary Giovanni

What Is Vitiligo?
If you have been diagnosed with Vitiligo or know someone that has the condition you probably want to know about this autoimmune disorder. Vitiligo is the name given to a condition that causes the loss of pigment on your skin, hair and even eye color.
What Causes Pigment Loss?
Melanin is the compound responsible for producing color and when the production of melanin is interrupted you will start experiencing pigment loss. Doctors have several theories regarding how and why this take place but they don't have concrete proof as to what causes Vitiligo. The leading theories are:
· Autoimmune - an autoimmune disorder starts attacking your own healthy tissues and cells. During this attack your body responds in many different ways depending on the condition. If you have Vitiligo your immune system starts attacking melanocytes, the cells responsible for creating melanin and when the level of melanin decreases you start losing color. Some Vitiligo patients also experience other autoimmune disorders.
· Autotoxic - if the cause is autotoxic it means a toxic substance is produced damaging the melanocytes ability to produce melanin. The result is the same as with the automimmune condition resulting in loss of color.
· Neural - your body produces many different chemicals and it is believed some neural chemicals such as norepinephrine can be toxic to melanocytes, stopping or limiting the amount of melanin they generate.
While these are some possible cause for Vitiligo some patients have experienced the onset of this disorder after an injury such as chemical or fire burns or a traumatic event with psychological repercussions.
Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune disorders are not fully understood and why the body starts turning on itself is still being researched. More than 80 different types of autoimmune disorders have been identified and they affect eight percent of the world population with women making up the vast majority. In the case of Vitiligo it affects both sexes and every race with the same frequency.
Getting Diagnosed
A white patch or a spot with less color than the rest of your body doesn't automatically mean you have Vitiligo. Many conditions and exposure to chemicals or even the sun can cause temporary loss of color on your skin. If the patch doesn't improve consult a dermatologist so he or she can make the right diagnosis. Woods Lamp or a blood test is used to accurately diagnose Vitiligo. You can get Vitiligo at any time but most cases take place before the age of 20.
You have many options when it comes to treatment. You should choose your therapy after finding out the type of Vitiligo you have and the best way to treat it taking into consideration your quality of life. The importance of your quality of life can not be underestimated because Vitiligo is more of a psychological condition because it has no physical effects except the loss of pigment. Just like any other disorder you will hear many people promising a cure for Vitiligo with lotions, potions and high tech equipment. The truth is people have recovered fully from Vitiligo without any explanation and people who have completely changed their diet and way of thinking have also experienced very positive results. The most important message you should get from your doctor is you have options and it is possible to overcome Vitiligo. If you have a doctor who doesn't offer a positive outlook find one that will. The treatment options include:
· Topical drugs - steroids and vitamin D
· Systemic drugs - steroids and psoralens
· Phototherapy - such as excimer laser and narrow band UVB
· Surgery - skin grafting and melanocyte transplantation
· De-pigmentation - bleaching the pigmented skin if the Vitiligo covers the majority of your skin
· Camouflage - using cosmetics to blend in the areas affected with Vitiligo
· Alternative therapy - the use of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Ayurvedic therapy and other non-traditional methods
· Counseling and support - therapy to learn coping mechanisms and the psychological effects of Vitiligo
It is extremely important to find the right doctor if you have Vitiligo. Although it has already been mentioned it is worth repeating because a doctor with a positive attitude can go a long way in helping you deal as well as triumph over Vitiligo.
The psychological effects of Vitiligo can be debilitating but you have to remember it is possible to cure yourself from this disorder. You have to change how you think and be positive about your outlook on life. Doctors do not know how anyone gets Vitiligo and they also do not know why some people recover. This in itself should let you know that it is within you to get better and that is why you should never under any circumstance abandon hope.
The hope is not without evidence, there is ample evidence showing there are countless people who have recovered fully from vitiligo. The process of overcoming vitiligo involves many different therapies and if you find the right one it is possible for you to heal.

Causes for Vitiligo

Causes for Vitiligo

Causes for Vitiligo
By Gary Giovanni

The question most vitiligo patients ask is, are there any causes for vitiligo? This of course depends on who you ask. Most experts agree that they really don't know what causes vitiligo, but lesser experts will give you a variety of reasons as to what causes vitiligo. That is why you must be careful when you're trying to find out information about vitiligo. While the Internet is an incredible resource for information, it is also a place where you can easily be misinformed. It is important to note people all over the world have overcome this condition and if you arm yourself with the right information it is possible for you to achieve the same goals.
Scientific Theories
Scientists attribute vitiligo to three possible theories. These theories are based on research and evidence gathered from many vitiligo patients. It should also be mentioned they are not the only possible causes for vitiligo and because doctors do not know what causes vitiligo there are many other factors they are not aware of.
· Autoimmune - according to the autoimmune hypothesis your immune system starts attacking the melanocytes responsible for producing melanin. When the melanocytes are depleted, you will start losing pigment in your skin. Autoimmune disorders are a mystery triggered by many different factors.
· Neural - the neural theory believes chemicals such as norepinephrine can be responsible for destroying melanocytes. This is because norepinephrine is toxic to melanocytes. This toxicity prevents the production of melanin thus eliminating pigmentation from your skin.
· Autocytoxic -during an Autocytoxic reaction researchers believe the process of melanin biosynthesis produces a toxic substance resulting in damage. When the damage takes place melanin production is reduced or eliminated completely resulting in pigment loss.
Genetic research is also providing vital information about many other different possible causes of vitiligo.
Heredity has also been considered as one of the causes for vitiligo but the evidence supporting this theory is not conclusive. The cases of vitiligo happen to be random and children of patients who have been diagnosed with vitiligo seemed to have only a slightly higher risk of acquiring the disease as children of people who do not have vitiligo.
Nutritional Deficiency
The reason nutritional deficiency is considered as one of the possible causes of vitiligo is because these patients experience deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. Having a deficiency in these nutrients however does not mean it can cause vitiligo. What is important to note is if you have vitiligo you should consider supplementing your diet with these vitamins and minerals.
Stress and Trauma
Some vitiligo patients experienced their first outbreak during a stressful or traumatic event. During one of these experiences it is possible for your body to react with an autoimmune response. While some patients experience an autoimmune response to a traumatic event the vast majority of people are able to cope without any autoimmune disorder.
Living with Vitiligo
The most difficult part about vitiligo is living with the psychological effects of having the disease. While the disease doesn't cause any physical pain the psychological impact can be hard to deal with. The impact is exacerbated by the many attempts patients make to find cures for vitiligo. The effect of hoping for a cure and being disappointed when it doesn't work can take a great toll on the psyche of someone that has been diagnosed with vitiligo. Even though psychological therapy will not cure your vitiligo the tools it provides can be seen as a cure for many of the patients who have vitiligo.
As a vitiligo patient it would be almost impossible for you to find out what caused your condition. What you can do is get the right information so you will be able to manage and eventually overcome your vitiligo. Doctors know there are many different causes for vitiligo and every new theory will eventually lead them to finding a cure for this disease.



By Maria ..

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in the human skin. The human skin contains special skin cells (melanocytes) that produce the pigment melanin which colors the skin.
In Vitiligo, the special skin cells (melanocytes) as well as the tissues (mucous membranes) that line the inside of the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas, and the retina of the eyes are destroyed. As a result, white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. The hair may also turn white that grows in areas affected by vitiligo.

What causes vitiligo?
There are several theories regarding the cause of vitiligo but the actual cause is not fully known. According to one theory, people with vitiligo develop antibodies that, turn upon them and destroy their own melanocytes instead of protecting them. There is another theory according to which the melanocytes somehow attack and destroy themselves. Finally, some people with vitiligo have reported that a single event such as severe sunburn or an episode of emotional distress is the main cause of this order. Scientifically, events of this nature have not been accepted as the main cause of vitiligo. These are merely coincidences.
Who is affected by vitiligo?
The number of people affected by vitiligo ( ) disorder ranges from 40-50 million. It forms about 1 to 2% of people in the world. 2 to 5 million people have the disorder in the United States alone.
Vitiligo affects all races and both sexes equally and ninety-five percent of its victims are below the age of 40.
What is the association of vitiligo with autoimmune disease?
In Autoimmune diseases, a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organs or tissues. Vitiligo is found to be more common in people with certain autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune diseases that are associated with vitiligo include: hyperthyroidism (over activity of the thyroid gland), adrenocortical insufficiency (the adrenal gland does not produce enough of the hormone corticosteroid), alopecia areata (patches of baldness), and pernicious anemia (a low level of red blood cells caused by the failure of the body to absorb vitamin B12).
Is vitiligo inherited?
Vitiligo may be hereditary in some cases. Children of vitiligo affected parents are more likely to develop vitiligo disorder. However, most children will not get vitiligo even if a parent has it. Also most people with vitiligo do not have a family history of the disorder.
Large number of inherited disorders are associated with vitiligo. They include: albinism of the ocular type, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome, congenital deafness with vitiligo and achalasia, dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria, ermine phenotype, familial histiocyctic reticulosis, kabuki syndrome, and the syndrome of spastic paraparesis, vitiligo, premature graying and characteristic facies.
The abundance of genetic diseases associated with vitiligo clearly proves that there are a number of genes which normally govern the development and wellbeing of the melanocytes.
What are the symptoms of vitiligo?
White patches (depigmentation) on the skin are the foremost symbol of vitiligo. These patches are more common in sun-exposed areas, including the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Other common areas are the armpits and groin, and around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, and genitals.
Vitiligo generally appears in one of three patterns: focal pattern, segmental pattern and generalized pattern. In focal pattern, the depigmentation is limited to one or only a few areas. In segmental pattern, depigmented patches are developed on only one side of the body. But in the generalized pattern, depigmentation occurs on different parts of the body.
For more information about vitiligo visit:
Maria brought up in San diego and love fun and Entertainment in his city. She is busy and enjoying to write the articles on health related topics. She always likes to help the people. She can be reach at

Vitiligo Patches

Vitiligo Patches

Vitiligo Patches
By Jenny Maria

Vitiligo patches are a characteristic sign of Vitiligo. These patches appear on skin where melanocytes (melanin producing cells present in skin) are either destroyed or rendered dysfunctional by autoimmune disease, genetic disorder, oxidative stress etc. As a result of which melanin i.e. the pigment is either not produced or secreted in very small amount and patches of depigmentation appear on skin.
Most of the patients with Vitiligo develop patches in teenage years of their life however it can occur at any age. Vitiligo affects 1 - 2% of the world population. It is not limited to any gender or race. Exactly how melanocytes stop functioning is yet unknown to science which poses a major hurdle in developing a cure for Vitiligo.
In order to understand the nature of Vitiligo patches, the following types of Vitiligo, based on the appearance, spread and location of patches must first be understood.
1. Non-Segmental Vitiligo:

• Appears at any age

• Patches are symmetrically distributed

• New patches may appear throughout life

• Non-Segmental Vitiligo may be generalized or localized

a) Generalized Non-Segmental Vitiligo:

Depigmentation patches are widely distributed. Vitiligo universalis is a condition where Vitiligo is so widespread that only a few normally pigmented patches remain on skin.

b) Localized Non-Segmental Vitiligo:

Vitiligo patches remain localized to a certain part of the body

• Acrofacial Vitiligo lesions; Lesions are present and limited to facial area especially around orifices.

• Focal Vitiligo lesions; Lesions are limited in quantity and locations. It may develop in Generalized Vitiligo.
2. Segmental Vitiligo:

• Early onset

• Rapid spread

• Lesions stop developing within two years of onset

• Lesions persist throughout life if not treated

• Lesions respond to topical therapy
A few other types include;
1. Childhood Vitiligo:

Non - Segmental Vitiligo patches are prevalent.
2. Trichome Vitiligo:

In addition to normal skin, hypopigmented patches are present
3. Quadrachrome patches:

Characterized by a presence of hyperpigmented band
4. Blue Vitiligo:

Characterized by the presence of Vitiligo macules.
Since science has no cure for Vitiligo, the main concern of Vitiligo patients has been reduced to concealing and preventing the spread of patches. It is not possible to determine whether or not the patches will spread. For some people the patches spread, for some they do not. Similarly the rate of spreading is hard to determine. For some patients patches appear quickly and rapidly and for others it may take months before a new patch of depigmentation appears.
The patches normally appear in armpits, groin, around body orifices, hands, arms. Body surfaces exposed to sun are more common places of Vitiligo patches.
A typical Vitiligo patch is known as a Trichome having 3 zones of color;

• White center

• Zone of less severe depigmentation surrounding the center

• Zone of native skin surrounding the lesion
Although Vitiligo cannot be cured, the white patches can be gotten rid of by a number of available remedies. Available are the following remedies;

• Topical steroidal Therapy

• Homeopathic Therapy

• Ayurvedic Therapy

• Herbal Therapy

• Surgical Therapy
For more information about Vitiligo Patches
Vitiligo patches are a characteristic sign of Vitiligo ( ). These patches appear on skin where melanocytes (melanin producing cells present in skin) are either destroyed or rendered dysfunctional by autoimmune disease, genetic disorder, oxidative stress etc. As a result of which melanin i.e. the pigment is either not produced or secreted in very small amount and patches of depigmentation appear on skin.

How Has Plastic Surgery Helped Individuals?

How Has Plastic Surgery Helped Individuals?

How Has Plastic Surgery Helped Individuals?
By Rahul Tyagi

Medical science is that branch which has amazed each and everyone. The way how it has evolved with time is remarkable. If we observe the graph, then there will be a steady rise in the numbers. This is because of two main reasons. First is the increase in the number of new techniques which has added a new set of people and second is the success rate. People who have undergone these procedures are satisfied with the result which has encouraged other people to try these techniques for themselves. One of the branches which have attracted a lot of attention is plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is the branch of medicine which deals with the functional as well as the aesthetic restoration of the body. It is primarily done because of two reasons. One is to restore the appearance of the body which has been impaired due to injuries, burns, accidents or other mishaps and the other is to improve the aesthetic appearance of the body. People who have lost their function or appearance due to any reason go for this procedure. It is also done to improve the aesthetic appearance of the body.
One of the common sub categories of this surgery is cosmetic surgery. You should not confuse one with the other. Both of them are different. It is the discipline of medicine which focuses just on improving the aesthetic appearance of the body. Just like plastic surgery, it can be performed at any part of the body. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry and proportion is the main aim. More than half of the surgeries emphasize on the face and skin. They are just taken for aesthetic reasons rather than health reasons.
Some of the common techniques are explained below -
• Liposuction
It is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries that remove fat from a particular part of the body. It is primarily done on hips, thighs, face and buttocks. It can also be done in conjunction with facelift, breast reduction and tummy tuck. But you should be an ideal candidate for the procedure. Firm and elastic skin is the first requirement. The body weight must be within 30 percent of the ideal weight.
In this procedure, you will first be given general anesthesia so that you don't feel any pain during the procedure. There are different types to perform this procedure. Tumescent liposuction is the widely used technique. A sterile solution is injected into the area from where the fat is to be removed. It makes it easier to suction the fat. Then there is ultrasound assisted liposuction which uses sound waves energy to break the cell walls of the fat. The fat is liquefied which makes it easier to suction it out.
• Vitiligo Surgery
Our skin has melanocytes which melanin producing cells. These cells give the color to the skin. Vitiligo is the condition in which skin loses these melanocytes. This leads to loss of skin color resulting in discolored patches in various areas of the body. It can even affect our mouth and hair. This condition is more noticeable in people with darker skin. This condition may be related to a disorder in the immune system which attacks and destroys melanocytes in the skin. Exposure to sun and industrial chemicals may also be a reason.
This surgery can either be done with skin grafting or blister grafting. In skin grafting, small sections of the normal skin are removed and attached to the areas which have lost its pigment. It is preferred when you have small patches of vitiligo. In blister grafting, blisters are created on the pigmented skin with the help of suction. These blisters are then transplanted to an area of the discolored skin.
• Laser Hair Removal
Hair is present in different parts of the body. The growth of hair differs from individual to individual. Sometimes, extra growth can cause hindrance in aesthetic appearance. This is the time when you should go for laser hair removal. The basic fundamental is to beam high concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorbs the light which in turn destroys the hair.
They are very precise and are a quick procedure. In this procedure, hair from the area to be removed is trimmed. A pulse of light will be given and the area will be observed to make sure the best setting were used. Just after the procedure, you will be given ice packs.
• Acne Scar Surgery
Acne occurs in the body when hair follicles are filled with oil and dead skin cells. When they dry, they leave behind a scar which directly affects the aesthetic appearance. They are formed when a breakout has the potential to penetrate the skin and damage the tissues beneath it. The treatment of scar depends on the type of scar which has hit the face.
In this procedure, punch excision method is used. Local anesthesia is used to numb the face. Scars are individually cut out and the wound is fixed with skin grafts and stitches. There is another technique by the name of subcision. In this technique, needles are inserted under the skin to loosen fibers below the scars. This helps in improving the overall appearance.
BLK Hospital is known for giving plastic surgery treatment in all of India. They have the best surgeons who improve the function as well as appearance of the body. We take care of patients with our highly-skilled plastic surgery team with expertise in handling cases like burns, craniofacial, hand & microvascular, reconstructive and Cosmatic plastic surgery treatment in India.

Discoloration on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Options

Discoloration on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Options

Discoloration on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Options
By John Dugan

While men may not use all the tonics and potions created for the facial skin, preferring a more rugged look, when it comes to their penises, men notice immediately when something seems to be off. Discoloration on the penis is one of those issues that often makes a man take notice of his skin and can lead to unnecessary panic. Most reasons for a discolored penis are results of a small injury, and the coloring fade with time; although there are a few potential reasons for worry. Here are a few of the most common causes of discoloration on the penis and how to manage them.
1) Bruising - One of the quickest ways to get a discolored penis is through injury. After a penile injury, bruising can appear in a variety of discolorations, from purple to blue or even a greenish hue. If there is an excessive pain post-injury, seek medical attention immediately. It could be a more serious issue like a penile fracture.
2) Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) - It's completely normal for men to have some variance of skin coloration. However, if a man notices that skin has darkened suddenly or within a short span of time, it's understandable he may worry. Most times it's just post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is simply an overproduction of melanin, the body's skin pigment maker. The skin can appear in a wide variety of colors including blue, gray, or dark brown.
Overproduction generally happens after an injury to the skin, the most common being excessive rubbing of the penis from vigorous sex or self-pleasure. It will fade over time, or if a man is bothered by it, topical treatment with retinol each night before bed can accelerate healing.
3) Penile Vitiligo - Vitiligo is known as the "white skin patch disease" made most famous by the late Michael Jackson. This skin disorder is caused by a loss of melanocytes from the epidermis. Penile Vitiligo most often occurs as a penile discoloration on the foreskin. It must be diagnosed by a doctor through a physical exam. It can be treated with medication, creams, lasers and surgical techniques.
4) Hematoma - If a man is seeing red, blotchy skin or blood vessels under the surface of the skin, he may have a hematoma. This happens after an injury to the penis. The discoloration on the penis will fade in time; however, if he feels pain or discomfort, medical attention should be sought.
5) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) - Sometimes purple sores on the penis can be evidence of a sexually transmitted infection like genital herpes or syphilis. Both STIs are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, fever, itchiness, burning, and fatigue. Head to a medical clinic or see a physician as soon as possible to be tested and get treatment.
Preventing and Caring for a Discolored Penis
First and foremost, practice safe sex. Use a condom to prevent STIs and always have an open dialogue about sexual and medical history with partners, even if it ruins the mood. Next, wear appropriate protective gear during group or adventure sports so that the penis is not an unfortunate casualty of a pick-up basketball game. Also, be sure to monitor the vigorousness of sex and self-gratification so pleasure doesn't turn painful.
In addition to those tips, practice good grooming to keep the penis in top shape. Cleanse regularly and thoroughly with a gentle cleanser. Follow up cleansing with a specifically formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to soften and soothe the penis. These specially created crèmes should have a nourishing, natural base like Shea butter and include vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E to promote healthy skin and cellular function, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid to reduce the signs of cellular damage and aging. These crèmes leave the penis hydrated and promote healing.
Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Laser Treatment Can Take Away Unwanted Pigmentation On The Skin

Laser Treatment Can Take Away Unwanted Pigmentation On The Skin

Laser Treatment Can Take Away Unwanted Pigmentation On The Skin
By Mags Whyler

Skin pigmentation is a common skin problem all over the world. The word pigmentation refers to discolouration of the skin, and it's more likely to show up on people with light coloured skin, rather than those with dark skin tones. Pigmentation can show itself either on the face or body, and it will appear more prominently as we age, causing many people to look for a way to improve it.
There are a number of reasons that pigmentation can become visible on the skin;
Sun exposure
Most pigmentation occurs as a result of overexposure to the sun's damaging rays. The skin reacts to the UV (Ultra Violet) rays from the sun and the effects of sun-damaged skin will increase with age. The best way to stop pigmentation from occurring is to wear sun protection every day, especially on your face. Pigmentation can affect people of all ages and skin types.
There are cells in the skin that make melanin, which is responsible for the colour of the hair and eyes, as well as the colour of the skin. Extra melanin gets produced when the cells get damaged or are unhealthy, resulting in inconsistent dark colouration or blotches on the skin. An increased exposure to the sun will also darken any previous areas of hyperpigmentation.
Pale almost white patches appear on the skin when there's a decrease of melanin. Vitiligo and albinism are skin conditions that cause hypopigmentation, which unfortunately, there are no cures for.
Skin trauma, such as burns, acne, infections, or inflammation can cause increased pigment production. Skin peels and microdermabrasion when used inappropriately, and chemical treatments can have an adverse when incorrectly applied.
Hormonal pigmentation
Women taking oral contraceptive tablets can sometimes notice pigmentation occurring. It usually develops slowly shortly after beginning a course of oral contraception, or if you change brand or dosage strength, but it might also occur after taking them for a long time.
It's considered that laser skin resurfacing, also known as fractional skin resurfacing is a highly effective treatment to fade, or take away unwanted skin pigmentation and irregularities, such as:

  • Acne scars

  • Freckles

  • Spider or thread veins

  • Sun damage
Curing pigmentation problems has become easier with new dermatology techniques. There are multiple options to remove the pigmentation wherever it is on the body or face. These different treatments can easily be used to remove the dark blotches on the skin;

  • Chemical Peels Treatment

  • Laser Pigmentation Treatment

  • Microdermabrasion Treatment

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy
These days cosmetic clinics use the most advanced laser technology, which offer a safe, effective and easy way to treat irregular pigmentation. Laser skin pigmentation treatment is safe for the face, hands, neck and chest and achieves effective, outstanding results every time. There's no recovery time after treatment, and you can return to normal activities immediately.

If you need help choosing a cosmetic procedure, we provide an extensive range of cosmetic procedures for the face and body: Botox, Vaser Lipo, Lip Augmentation, Dermal Fillers and many more treatments, to help create a younger, slimmer, more youthful looking you!
The Selston Cosmetic Clinic is located in Selston, Nottingham, where we offer a bespoke service with a personalised touch and deliver high client satisfaction. We have been involved in the cosmetic industry for over 10 years
To find out more about laser treatment for skin pigmentation at the Selston Cosmetic Clinic -

Can I Stop the Spread of Vitiligo?

Can I Stop the Spread of Vitiligo?

Can I Stop the Spread of Vitiligo?
By Shalini M

Vitiligo is on the list of autoimmune conditions. If you have this condition, your skin may begin to lose pigmentation. As a result, you will have discolored skin patches. Although this condition is not fatal or contagious, it may have a negative impact on your quality of life. Actually, you have this condition when your cells stop producing melanin. Although it's not possible to cure vitiligo, you can take some steps to restrict the spread of it. Regardless of your & vitiligo causes & treatment, Given below are some ways to help you do just that.
Use Sunscreen
Before you go out, don't forget to apply sunscreen. Actually, sunburn can make your condition even worse in addition to harm your skin. Opt for a broad spectrum sunscreen. For instance, it should be SPF 30 or higher. Ideally, it should be a waterproof formula. If you are going to spend an entire day outdoors, you need to reapply the solution every two hours.
Wear Thicker Outfits
For better skin protection, you can opt for thicker outfits. Actually, the SPF of clothing gives protection to your skin and restrict the damage. Ideally, you may want to choose thicker fabric as they offer better protection.
Don't use Sunlamps or Tanning Beds
Sunlamps or tanning beds are not good for you. They don't darken those lighter spots unlike what most people think. Instead, sunlamps may cause sunburn to your healthy skin. As a result, you may develop more skin blotches. If you really want a tan, you can opt for spray tans or tanning lotions.
Don't get a Tattoo
Oftentimes, wounds create a fresh patch of vitiligo on your skin. Typically, this new patch appears around two weeks post your wound. We know that tattoos are created by wounding the skin, they boost the spread of vitiligo.
Use Ginkgo Biloba
The ginkgo biloba herb can help you hamper the spread of vitiligo. As a matter of fact, this herb may even help you restore your skin color. You can buy this herb in the form of a tablet as a supplement. Make sure you talk to your doctor before buying any supplements.
Don't use Immune Boosting Herbs
Since vitiligo is a disorder of the immune system, you don't want to eat a herb that may trigger your immune system. Common herbs that you might want to avoid include spirulina, astragalus, goldenseal, and Echinacea.
Use a Multi-Vitamin
You can use a multivitamin after your doctor's approval. Actually, some vitiligo sufferers are deficient in vitamins. This may worsen the condition even more. For a healthy body, common vitamins that you should take include vitamin E, vitamin C, CoQ10, zinc, and copper. When your body is deficient in certain vitamins, you can opt for vitamin supplements.
Don't use Skin-Lightning Products
Most skin-lightening products may cause a loss of pigment even more. So, what you need to do is stay away from products that have hydroquinone in them.
So, these are a few simple ways to prevent the spread of vitiligo. However, it's much better to see a special for professional medical treatment. The doctor will advice the right treatment based on your vitiligo causes & treatment options. Types of treatments offered at medical centers include Melanocyte transplant, skin grafting, and Waldmann UV therapy to name a few.
If you are looking for vitiligo treatment in Singapore, you might want to check out Novena Vitiligo Medical Centre. They offer different types of treatments for this condition.

Penis Skin: Is Penis Discoloration a Problem?

Penis Skin: Is Penis Discoloration a Problem?

Penis Skin: Is Penis Discoloration a Problem?
By John Dugan

A man's penis skin deserves regular attention to ensure that there is nothing strange happening down there. But what happens when a man looks at his penis and realizes the color is a little different than it used to be? Or when he sees the color of another man's penis and wonders if there might be something wrong with his? Penis discoloration is often not discoloration at all, as every man is different. One man might have very dark skin on his penis, while another has surprisingly light-colored skin, and still another might have a penis that is darker on one end than on the other. This wide variety of color is no indication at all of a problem with penis skin.
The Incredible Color-Changing Penis
However, sometimes a man who has known his penis as a certain color for many years might suddenly notice some penis discoloration. What could cause this?
- Bruises and abrasions. When the penis suffers some sort of injury, bruises and abrasions can result. But the bruises might come from moments that a man might not even realize are causing injury, such as when he grips far too tightly during masturbation, or is enjoying vigorous sex that leaves him quite sore afterward. In the aftermath, he might notice dark bruises on his penis, which will eventually change color as the bruises heal. This penis discoloration should go away within a matter of days; if not, it's time to see the doctor.
- Masturbation. As mentioned earlier, a man can actually injure himself during masturbation, which can lead to penis discoloration through bruising. However, the changes in penis skin that occur with masturbation can also be quite gradual. The friction that a man subjects his penis to on a daily basis can eventually lead to a slight thickening of the skin, which in turn makes the skin look a little darker. However, this kind of discoloration is so slight, and rarely causes problems for the penis skin, so it is rare that a man notices it.
- Vitiligo. This is an interesting condition in which the skin loses pigmentation. This can happen gradually, with spots that were once of a normal color suddenly appearing to have no color at all. This condition is not painful, and it's certainly not contagious. Unfortunately, there's also nothing a man can do about it. The good news is that an understanding partner might see the unusual coloration as a bonus, something that makes the penis rather beautiful, rather than something negative.
- Lichen planus. This itchy rash can appear out of nowhere. It starts out as bumps that are varying shades of purple with white around them or across them. It can appear anywhere, including the penis. The penis skin might look very different, but the penis isn't always itchy when this rash is present. It's not contagious and there is no cure, but it often does clear up in a year or so.
- Corticosteroids. These creams are known to be tough on the skin, so it makes sense that using them can lead to penis discoloration over a long period of time. A man should always take care to not use more than recommended, and remember that these are not meant to be used over a long period of time; if itchy penis skin persists, visit the doctor to figure out what the problem might be.
Dealing With Penis Discoloration
When it comes to matters of penis skin and health, don't hesitate to see the doctor if penis discoloration is a concern. Always take good care of the penis skin through use of a high-quality penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil , which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). An oil with shea butter will keep the skin smooth, while vitamin C can help protect against injury and vitamin E can help heal it.
Visit for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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