Causes for Vitiligo

Causes for Vitiligo
By Gary Giovanni

The question most vitiligo patients ask is, are there any causes for vitiligo? This of course depends on who you ask. Most experts agree that they really don't know what causes vitiligo, but lesser experts will give you a variety of reasons as to what causes vitiligo. That is why you must be careful when you're trying to find out information about vitiligo. While the Internet is an incredible resource for information, it is also a place where you can easily be misinformed. It is important to note people all over the world have overcome this condition and if you arm yourself with the right information it is possible for you to achieve the same goals.
Scientific Theories
Scientists attribute vitiligo to three possible theories. These theories are based on research and evidence gathered from many vitiligo patients. It should also be mentioned they are not the only possible causes for vitiligo and because doctors do not know what causes vitiligo there are many other factors they are not aware of.
· Autoimmune - according to the autoimmune hypothesis your immune system starts attacking the melanocytes responsible for producing melanin. When the melanocytes are depleted, you will start losing pigment in your skin. Autoimmune disorders are a mystery triggered by many different factors.
· Neural - the neural theory believes chemicals such as norepinephrine can be responsible for destroying melanocytes. This is because norepinephrine is toxic to melanocytes. This toxicity prevents the production of melanin thus eliminating pigmentation from your skin.
· Autocytoxic -during an Autocytoxic reaction researchers believe the process of melanin biosynthesis produces a toxic substance resulting in damage. When the damage takes place melanin production is reduced or eliminated completely resulting in pigment loss.
Genetic research is also providing vital information about many other different possible causes of vitiligo.
Heredity has also been considered as one of the causes for vitiligo but the evidence supporting this theory is not conclusive. The cases of vitiligo happen to be random and children of patients who have been diagnosed with vitiligo seemed to have only a slightly higher risk of acquiring the disease as children of people who do not have vitiligo.
Nutritional Deficiency
The reason nutritional deficiency is considered as one of the possible causes of vitiligo is because these patients experience deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. Having a deficiency in these nutrients however does not mean it can cause vitiligo. What is important to note is if you have vitiligo you should consider supplementing your diet with these vitamins and minerals.
Stress and Trauma
Some vitiligo patients experienced their first outbreak during a stressful or traumatic event. During one of these experiences it is possible for your body to react with an autoimmune response. While some patients experience an autoimmune response to a traumatic event the vast majority of people are able to cope without any autoimmune disorder.
Living with Vitiligo
The most difficult part about vitiligo is living with the psychological effects of having the disease. While the disease doesn't cause any physical pain the psychological impact can be hard to deal with. The impact is exacerbated by the many attempts patients make to find cures for vitiligo. The effect of hoping for a cure and being disappointed when it doesn't work can take a great toll on the psyche of someone that has been diagnosed with vitiligo. Even though psychological therapy will not cure your vitiligo the tools it provides can be seen as a cure for many of the patients who have vitiligo.
As a vitiligo patient it would be almost impossible for you to find out what caused your condition. What you can do is get the right information so you will be able to manage and eventually overcome your vitiligo. Doctors know there are many different causes for vitiligo and every new theory will eventually lead them to finding a cure for this disease.

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