How to Cure Vitiligo Naturally | ARUNA EVAN

How to Cure Vitiligo Naturally | ARUNA EVAN - hey guys my name is Aruna Evan welcome back to my channel and today I'm gonna be talking about how I am currently repigmentation a chirally I recently received some private messages asking me what I do to either cure my vitiligo like what medications or treatments I take and more specifically like how I'm doing it naturally I think there are a lot of like-minded people out there who are like interested in not putting a cocktail of like medicine in their bodies or like exposing themselves to a lot of artificial like light therapy and things like that so I thought I would share with you what I do that works quick disclaimer I'm not a doctor and what works for me may or may not work for somebody 

How to Cure Vitiligo Naturally | ARUNA EVAN

How to Cure Vitiligo Naturally | ARUNA EVAN

else but they're all natural they're really good habits so why not give them a try it's what I figure the first thing I want to say that really really worked for me and this is sometimes a really hard pill to swallow for people with vitiligo it certainly was for me when I first realized that I had to do it was that I just had to accept the fact that I have it and like not just accept the fact that I have to battle it like literally fully wholeheartedly accept the fact that this is now a presence in my life and that's not going to go away anytime soon and I'm going to work with it instead of against it basically so now 

instead of hating my vitiligo I basically check in with it every morning it's kind of like my little litmus test to tell me how I'm doing health-wise and whether I'm going in the right direction along with that is just like a really positive attitude and outlook for the future so I now do self affirmations but before then I still had a positive outlook about my vitiligo and I thought well it doesn't matter if it grows or if I successfully repigmentation z-- you know that are either you know just as difficult to struggle with as vitiligo or maybe worse and it's just a part of life I don't want to downplay the struggle that goes along with having vitiligo because it is a struggle but you know if you put it in the

context of like not feeling alone and feeling like there are plenty of other people out there who like deal with things then it makes you feel like you're just a part of this amazing beautiful thing called humanity okay now with vitiligo which is a stress linked condition of the skin the name of the game is stress reduction because stress activates your immune system and your immune system attacks your vitiligo so whatever you can do to make sure that your immune system doesn't have to literally put on a shield and take up a sword and get into the fight the better it is for your repigmentation of your skin so what I do is I sleep a lot I make sure that I've curated a life in which I can get the sleep that I need a lot of my good practices have actually allowed me to have more high quality sleep 

which is also REME Pegman ting my skin so a lot of these work together but you just want to make sure you're getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep depending on what you're able to fit in and sometimes I know it sounds really bizarre but sometimes I open my eyes and I'm ready to pop out about at 6:00 a.m. but I know I only got six hours of sleep I will close my eyes literally and make myself go back to sleep as a treatment for my vitiligo like very specifically so yeah just you know if you have to go to bed early if you have to give up your favorite show for one night and catch up on it later like whatever it is do what you need to do because it's one of the best treatments for me it reduces my stress so much and it is the one of the highest impact things I can do for my vitiligo all right the next one is meditation meditation there are slew of studies I won't link them down below 

because at this point I think most people realize the power of meditation but it is incredibly powerful incredibly transformative and so great at reducing stress I cannot recommend meditation enough I actually made a video about how meditation is helping to repigmentation up and below okay next is exercise this one's kind of sad me right now because I have kind of a shoulder injury that I'm working through so I haven't been able to exercise for a couple months now but exercise is amazing and it sort of took all of my efforts in terms of repayment ability a new level and I started doing it it is great for stress reduction great for like just like mental well-being I felt like when something happened you know with my vitiligo if someone stared and like didn't have a positive response to it or something like that I was able to handle it better because I was in a better mind space so yeah I highly highly 

recommend exercise but I do have to say that like with the exercise I had to do the right amount of exercise sounds really weird but exercise actually does make your body a little bit stressed so there are some stress hormones that are released when you exercise and I realized pretty early on when I started exercising and becoming a personal trainer that if I did too much exercise or too much intensity too quickly then my body actually showed me what was happening with my hormones through my vitiligo my vitiligo would grow so you don't want to do too much too fast to really go ham and do like you know high-intensity interval cardio training for like 45 minutes doing it like tabata level which is like 20 seconds of like crazy crazy and then 10 seconds of arrest you know 

without any experience with exercise like that's that's probably gonna make the vitiligo grow because there are too many stress hormones involved but if you ease yourself into it and you take it with the right like attitude which clearly I didn't at first but I learned my lesson then it'll be great for you too um the next thing is what you couldn't assume so like I realized that when I drink too much or you know it happens like you're out with friends and you're having fun and like it's a part of life but when I drink too much like my vitiligo does grow so now I don't drink as much and when I do I know what I'm getting myself into but also I drink a lot of water now so it like flushes out hormones toxins whatever it needs to be flushed out and I use organic make and I eat a whole food space diet for the 

most part although sometimes I am bad but it feels so good to be bad sometimes along those lines you know just think about like who your people are like who your friends are are they positive and what kind of shows do you watch do they have positive content it's not like you have to cut everything out of your life that has a negative influence but it can help to think about you know that kind of consumption as well so I stopped for a while I stopped watching shows that made me feel stressed and not stressed in a way it's hard for me to describe there's like a physical and a hormonal stress that sometimes you can experience without feeling like you're stressed in the way most people think of it 

like I did oh this is really hard for me to describe I'm a highly sensitive physical human so I can feel small changes in my stress levels which turns out to be a freaking really helpful thing for me because of my vitiligo so you know when I watch a TV show that has a lot of negative content or I hear someone talking about a lot of negative stuff I had I kind of have a reaction to it and I kind of want to back away from it because I can feel what's happening with my own hormones and it affects you on every level like your happiness is affected by that so becoming aware of that was really helpful for me the next thing I did was I made sure I talked to people who are safe to talk to safe people and what I mean by that is people who kind of really understand that you are going through something with 

vitiligo and they are very understanding when you talk to them about it so a lot of not everyone like understands what it's like to have vitiligo and that's okay but some people are more sympathetic to it than others for example I don't know why this is such a huge phenomenon but a lot of people just don't get that like people with vitiligo get stares if people see me from the right angle they'll just like their eyes will track me for a while and sometimes the responses are positive like they know what that is and they want to know that I'm cool or whatever I don't know and sometimes they're not so positive the jaw drops they their eyes get really big sometimes it's a look of disgust on their faces even though it's probably just shock it still affects me emotionally so you know talking to people who really understand that you know that happens and you're able to like emotionally distressing but if 

there's someone in your life who thinks that you're gross because you're vitiligo or is secretly like judging you when you talk about it then don't trust them anymore with it just don't go there my last tip is actually well already searched and I'm really really happy about that so I'm gonna talk about it a little more in length next week but basically I take B vitamins and I expose myself to the Sun by taking walks it happens to be super powerful and I guess you'll have to stick around next week for the answer because I don't want to make this video too long but B vitamins are super important for 
repigmentation I go so often times we don't get enough to our natural diet so I take a supplement and that's it so those are all my tips I just have one last piece of advice which is I have found my own triggers you know like the this is my personal list and for you the triggers may be somewhat different now getting enough sleep is kind of universal meditating is another universal thing all of these things 

like eating well surrounding yourself with positive people exercise blah blah blah these are all incredible things that anyone can do but for you the triggers may also be slightly different the most high impact distressing item for you might be taking a bath and maybe that lowers your stress so much that it helps your biddle I go a lot or it might be instead of getting enough sleep it might be sleeping a much earlier you just have to play around with it and see what is happening with your vitiligo so if you just become friends with your vitiligo which sounds funny but then you can start to understand how it changes day by day and really just figure out your own triggers so you can solve it 

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naturally and solve it at the root of the issue because the issues happening within your own body so anyway I hope that this video was really helpful let me know if you have any natural cures that you use that have really worked for you I've heard of people using copper bracelets ginkgo biloba etc etc so let me know what your a secret super power for repigmentation ago is let me know if you try any of the things on that list and they work for you that would be absolutely lovely to hear about and that is all I have for you today don't forget to Like comment subscribe to this channel and I will see you super soon have a great day bye

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